
How To Relieve Hip Pain From Duty Belt

Old West gunslingers wore their sidearms and ammo on a gun chugalug, and cops have been using that platform for their equipment ever since. With the add-on of handcuffs, baton, radio, glove pouch, TASER, and any, the belt became heavier, and at present there'southward seldom whatever room for more gear. That extra and unbalanced weight brought on the added issue of back and hip pain, especially for officers of smaller stature.

Law gun belts or duty belts are often called Sam Browne belts, after British Full general Sam Browne. General Browne won the Victoria Cross, coordinating to the U.S. Medal of Honor, for his deportment to take down a gun crew that was firing on his men. In and so doing, he lost his left arm in a sword fight. He connected his military career, simply had some difficulty conveying his officer's sword in a scabbard on a traditional chugalug. The scabbard attached to the belt with a clip called a "frog," and the frog didn't grip the belt tightly. Wearers usually had to grasp the frog with their left hands while drawing the sword with the right.

To compensate, Browne added a cross belt going from his left hip to his right shoulder, which held the frog in one place. The blueprint was copied in the British and other countries' military uniforms, and was picked up by many law agencies to hold pistol holsters in identify. The cross belt has been eliminated from most constabulary uniforms, but remnants of the original design are yet in use. Modern Sam Browne belts are half or fully lined to stiffen them and back up the weight of the equipment worn on them, and incorporates a fake buckle with hooks on the dorsum to attach to hardware on the opposite stop.

Atlas Load Bearing Equipment has developed a duty belt add-on that distributes the weight of the belt over a larger area of the hips and pelvis.

Atlas Load Begetting Equipment has developed a duty belt add-on that distributes the weight of the belt over a larger area of the hips and pelvis.

Now that Sam Brownes accept to arrange a lot more hardware than a sword or a pistol, the best solutions to meliorate distribute the weight thus far involve suspenders, a load-begetting vest, or some combination thereof to accept some of the load off of the hips and lower back and shift it to the upper body. These don't fit with the traditional advent of a police officer, and suspenders have a way of getting caught up on whatever protrusions happen to exist in the officer'southward operating surroundings. Load-bearing vests are closely associated with gainsay troops, which is non the paradigm most agencies desire to nowadays.

Most of the weight of a Sam Browne is borne by a protrusion at the top of the femur (thigh bone), called the trochanter. The trochanter is the "point" of the hip at its highest point and uttermost out to the sides from the midline. Well, Atlas Load Bearing Equipment (now sold by 5.eleven Tactical) has adult a duty belt add-on that distributes the weight of the belt over a larger area of the hips and pelvis, taking some of the load off of the trochanter. The add-on consists of two carbon fiber plates attached to the inside of the duty belt at either side, and ii base plates threaded onto the underbelt or trouser belt.

The "tacplates" attach to the duty belt with long plastic zip ties - a special low-contour, high-forcefulness variant chosen a Cobra-Necktie. The precise position of the tacplates is determined by the wearer'south anatomy and the placement of the gear on the chugalug. The wearer threads two zip ties vertically through the loops on the tacplates and then that the ties will fit between equipment items. Once good placement is achieved for fit and comfort, the ties are closed and the backlog material snipped off. This is a i-time fitting process, although the ties can always be cutting off and the procedure repeated if adjustments are needed. It's possible to utilise regular belt keepers in place of the cypher ties, if desired.

The tacplates utilise Velcro to mate to the base plates threaded onto the underbelt. The wearer beginning applies the strong or gun side, then wraps the duty chugalug around to mate the offside base plate and tacplate together. This keeps the belt from sliding around the circumference of the waist. The wearer and so applies belt keepers in front and back to stabilize the belt vertically. There is a video on the Atlas LBE website that describes the procedure of applying the tacplates and how they work to better distribute the weight of the duty chugalug.

Atlas LBE maintains that the tacplates "act like a cantilever bridge to channel the load of your duty belt to the ground." The plates are almost completely hidden by the equipment on the belt, so there is no amending to the traditional advent to the uniform.

At $170, this isn't an inexpensive slice of gear, but it is relatively risk-free. Atlas LBE offers a 60-day refund of the purchase price if you're not completely satisfied with the results. Of course, if you're living with chronic back and/or hip pain from a duty belt, getting rid of it for that price is a great bargain.

Tim Dees is a writer, editor, trainer and former law enforcement officer. After 15 years equally a police force officer with the Reno Police Department and elsewhere in northern Nevada, Tim taught criminal justice as a full-time professor and instructor at colleges in Wisconsin, Due west Virginia, Georgia and Oregon. He was also a regional training coordinator for the Oregon Dept. of Public Prophylactic Standards & Training, providing in-service training to 65 criminal justice agencies in fundamental and eastern Oregon.

Tim has written more than 800 articles for nearly every national law enforcement publication in the The states. He is the author of The Truth About Cops, a collection of answers written for He now writes on police applications of technology in police enforcement from his habitation in SE Washington state.

Tim holds a bachelor's degree in biological science from San José Country University, a master's caste in criminal justice from The University of Alabama, and the Certified Protection Professional person credential from ASIS International. He can be reached at


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